Lan Edicion Limitada 2012
Rioja, Spain
- 91
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Retailer | Link To Info | Price |
SAQ | 12887809 | $68.00 |
Critic Reviews (1)
Massive. Huge wine and incredible intensity. But the fruit is at the forefront. Underneath there is a line of acid...
Community Reviews (1)
Hugely intense fruit-forward Rioja (verging on fruit bomb). Well structured, good acid and secondary aromas (tobacco leaf, leather) are present, albeit hiding behind the lush plum, date and berry compote. This is good stuff, and has a deliciousness factor that many will love. However I find the concentration of fruit to be sightly exaggerated to the point that even with age, the nuances that I enjoy in a great rioja will be overshadowed by its sheer lushness.