Castillo De Monseran Reserva Garnacha 2011, Cariñena, Aragon
Aragón, Spain
- 89
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Retailer | Link To Info | Price |
SAQ | 10898723 | $16.60 |
BCLDB | 822528 | $13.29 |
Critic Reviews (1)
This is clearly an old-world red with the dried herbal tones to the fruit on the nose. It is mature and well balanced...
Community Reviews (2)
A little old world, a little new world. Great value here given the complexity. Grenache based, it has notes of cherry, red current, violets, spice, leather, teriyaki, salty minerality and an herbal quality. A sense of sweetness from the oak and higher ABV, but essentially dry with 5 g of RS. Decent length. Not the depth needed for an "excellent" score, and there's noted alcohol heat on the finish. A good "go to" mid week red. Nov. 2016.