Paul Jaboulet Aîné La Chapelle 1998, Ac Hermitage
Rhone Syrah
Rhône, France
- 00
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Retailer | Link To Info | Price |
SAQ | 11892614 | $356.00 |
Critic Reviews (0)
Community Reviews (1)
Quite evolved for my palate. Much of the pepper, meaty and dark fruit character has been reduced to forest floor, tobacco and other earthy tones (though oak and red fruit are still apparent and kicking). Good wine, but nothing distinct made this stand out from other "serious" aged wines ive had. Perhaps i'm missing something... It had been baking in the sun for about an hour, it may have been too delicate for that. In any case, when it comes to the juice in the bottle, this is evidently not something that one buys when searching for value.