Lafage Cayrol Vieilles Vignes Carignan 2021, I.G.P. Côtes Catalanes
Critic Reviews (5)
Finely chiseled and not-so-little solo carginan from Roussillon old vines where stalwart value producer Lafage...
This is an elegant complex fullbodied red made from Roussillon old vines. It’s made from carignan a grape whose...
This is unusual in the sense that it is entirely made from carignan, a Rhone variety usually relegated to blending...
What makes Lafage's Cayrol somewhat novel is that it is made entirely with carignan (a grape usually used in blends...
An impressive old vine (60+ years) carignan for a steal of a price, named after the traditional red Catalonian...
Community Reviews (4)
Not too often that one comes across a wine made from 100% Carignan. Very ripe, with lots of alcohol (15% according to the label). An in-your-face wine, with lots of concentrated fruit, and plenty of herbal notes. A bit of bitterness on the finish which you may like or not. Really fine wine, as one has come to expect from this producer. Tasted Jul 2024.