Hinterland Whitecap 2021, VQA Ontario, Charmat Method
Sparkling White
Ontario, Canada
$20.60 (18361)
Critic Reviews (4)
Michael Godel
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It may be Charmat (or Italian) method sparkling wine but that is about all that Whitecap and Prosecco have in common....
Sara d'Amato
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Hinterland’s Whitecap is a characterful vintage-dated, Charmat method fizz based on vidal and riesling named after...
John Szabo, MS
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Hinterland's latest vidal-riesling sparkling in the tank method, aimed squarely at the prosecco market, offers simple...
David Lawrason
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This is a light, off-dry, frothy yet fairly high acid charmat based sparkler from the Prince Edward County house that...