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Sid's Handcrafted Vodka
British Columbia, Canada$28.20
I went to the LCBO to buy a bottle of Stoli Elit Vodka, but it was out of stock. At the time Elit was on sale for $50 instead of it's usual $60. I saw Sid's on the shelf and decided to give it a try. What a wonderful surprise. This vodka is as smooth as Elit or maybe smoother. It has a lovely creamy taste with a light sweetness. I drink it on ice with a few olives. This has now become my preferred vodka.
Nutrl Vodka
British Columbia, Canada$35.20
This is Sid Vodka's sibling. A few dollars more, but much smoother. This is for Vodka drinkers who like their vodka on the rocks and the taste on the lighter side.
It is made from 100% rye grain and I find it absolutely delicious. Margaret has described this vodka perfectly. I do have a difference of opinion, when she says this vodka is "perfect for those who don't like the taste of booze". I can taste the subtleties and slight sweetness of this vodka and appreciate the complexity involved in producing it.
Dragani Montepulciano D'abruzzo 2012
The 2014 Vintage is smooth and delicious.
What a bargain for just over $8. Smooth tannins and lots of fruit. I buy two or three bottles at a time. My favorite value red.